All your problems will be solved if you win the lotto or get a hefty raise, you might think. Surely this makes sense? It may sound reasonable, but it’s not. Your financial woes will not go away if you have more money. Why? Because money is nothing more than a magnifying glass that magnifies everything. The more money you have, the more difficult it is to deal with money-related issues. A lot of high-earning folks have money issues because they don’t understand how it works.

Learn how money works while your bank account is still little if you want to implement another top wealth-creating habit in your life. Your spending patterns, as well as your fears of loss and the danger that comes from risking too much money, need to be dealt with in order to get your finances in order. You’ll be able to make a lot of mistakes without spending a lot of money if you start small.

To put it another way, it is more likely that if your bank account is enormous, you’ll want to spend a lot of money and take a lot of risks. Big risks might lead to big losses if you aren’t well-versed in financial matters or lack the necessary knowledge. You’ll be more likely to learn how to manage your money wisely and frugally if your bank account is modest. As the creator of Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club, Sam Walton claimed he could afford to make many mistakes if he controlled his expenses (i.e. kept them low).

When it comes to learning about money, don’t put it off until you win the lotto. It’s best to get started now, while the stakes are still low. When your bank account is little, you can’t injure yourself too much and you can learn a lot. No matter how much money you have in your bank account, how you manage it is more important than how much money you have. In this case, size does matter, and it’s preferable to go smaller than larger. Good luck with this wealth-building habit!

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